Pokeno School

Welcome to Pokeno School

We have an amazing group of children who love being part of our learning community and enjoy everything school has to offer.  At Pokeno School, children participate in new learning across all areas of the curriculum, and a wide range of sporting events.  They enjoy visiting performers, trips, camps, and being part of the wider Pokeno School community.

The experiences our children have been made possible by the enthusiastic and dedicated staff.  Teachers, teacher aides, the administration and caretaker all contribute to what makes Pokeno School such a great place to be.

We have a very supportive School Board.  They work hard behind the scenes ensuring the governance of the school is managed in a way that always puts the children first.  In addition to the School Board, we have an extremely hardworking PTA.  Although this group is relatively small they are committed to raising funds that can be used to enhance the teaching and learning programmes for our children.

We hope you enjoy looking around our website and learning more about our great school.

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Perseverance brings success - Ma te pāuaua, ka whai hua