Pokeno School


Harakeke 1

Mrs Julia McLennan


Mr Tony Wisnewski


Miss Leah Scown


Harakeke 2

Miss Hanna-Lee Bunning


Miss Kimberley Cruickshank


Mrs Stacey Goodwin


Welcome to the Kea Whānau. 

On this page you will find newsletters, which come out on Monday's in Weeks 4, 7 and 10; and the termly homework and other information and links to help learning at home.  

Latest Newsletter

Home Learning

Term 4 Home Learning

Students will have a Home Learning Book for practising Spelling. In their book will also be a list of possible online platforms and activities they can choose to do.

Click on the links to view all Spelling Words at each year level. Your child will have their Spelling Words glued in their Home Learning book to practise.

Online Platforms

This is a free online reading platform. Students can play the audio and read along with the text.

Students can listen along to stories as read aloud by some familiar faces.

Click on a subject "box of books" on the next 3 slides to be taken to that area of the library. Then select the book to read or read along with. Note: Some links may not work. Please let Mrs McLennan know so she can update the library.

Below are some more book to read. If there is a colour below it, it is indicating the colour level of the book. There are also some Level 2 and 3 School Journals and some Chapter Books.

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