Pokeno School

Kiwi Whaanau

Kia Ora and welcome to Kiwi Whaanau,  We are the youngest Whaanau in our school, with Year 0 and 1.

To find out more about how we learn in Kiwi Whaanau check out our Play based learning blog- Click



Kia ora Kiwi Whaanau, 

Welcome back for Term 2. This term has seen the opening of a brand new class of learners in Room 19b. Our kaiako have focused on teaching the value 'Manaakitanga' by teaching our akonga the expected behaviours in different areas of the school.

A reminder as the days get cooler please send your tamariki in warm clothing for the day. It is best if students are dressed in layers so they can take them off as they warm up. Can students also come to school with a change of clothing in a wet bag so they can play on the grass.

Please remember to keep an eye on HERO for updates around your child's learning and homework ideas. Below are some more Little Learners Love Literacy Songs you can sing with your child (Scroll to the bottom of the page for previous songs).

Upcoming Events 

Week 4: 

Monday: Whole School Assembly, 2pm 

Wednesday: Junior School Assembly. 2pm

 Week 5: 

St Johns in School

Week 6: 

Monday: King's Birthday- No School

Tuesday: Teacher Only Day

Week 1-3 Learning by Danielle Ingram-Trevis


Kia ora Kiwi Whaanau, 

The end of the term has seen a busy few weeks of learning and new experiences for our Kiwi Whaanau tamariki. Our kaiako have focused on teaching the value 'Whakawhanake' by encouraing our akonga to participate in new learning and try everything.

Last week our Year 1s were excited to try out our new junior playground. Our akonga loved exploring the fresh challenges it offered. Taking risks on our new playground further taught our tamariki about showing Whakawhanake. We look forward to being able to use it next term.

During our outside learning through play mornings we had the privelage of working with one of our wonderful senior student to add some flowers to our school entrance and a beautiful lemon tree. This was an awesome opportunity to grow our school value 'Ako' by learning from each other. Next term we are excited to continue looking at ways to take care of our school through gardening, carpentry and a sustainability focus.

We have also continued learning our new letter sounds as part of our Reading Programme with many of our students now working through their Stage 3 letter sounds! (Click play below to hear some of our new letter songs).

Award Winners 

Congratulations to the following students who recieved Kotahitanga and Ako Certificates during our Week 6 and 8 assemblies.

Kotahitanga: 'We work together and celebrate our successes'

Room 3                         Room 4                                 Room 5                                    Room 11 

Maddi                             Katalea                                 Cage                                         Mia

Hazel                              Kaliyah                                  Aaria                                        Eloa

Ako: 'We are all learners, we are all teachers'

Room 3                           Room 4                                 Room 5                                      Room 11 

Bowen                             Nishmann                             Audrey                                       Chelsea

Aaravi                               Iqra                                       Lola                                             Mannat


Kia ora Kiwi Whaanau,

Over the last few weeks, akonga have settled well into the routines of learning. Our school-wide value focus has been Kotahitanga. This means teachers have put a spotlight on teaching tamariki how to show kindness by caring for and helping their peers.

Classes have been working through Stage 1 of our Structured Literacy programme learning the sounds /f/, /a/, /p/, /t/ and /c/. Akonga will now be beginning to blend sounds to read words! You can support this learning by practising writing the letters (see below) and singing the Felix Frog, Ally Alligator, Peter Penguin, Tim Turtle and Cooper Caterpillar songs (Click play below to hear the song).

Upcoming Events

Week 8: Whole School Assembly, 2pm

Week 9: Good Friday (No School)

Week 10: Easter Monday (No School Monday and Tuesday)

Week 11: Whole School Assembly, 2pm

Kiwi Whanau are calling for community helpers! 

Do you or someone in your whanau love to garden or build? 

We are looking for helpers to join us during our outside Learning Through Play Sessions on Thursday mornings to work with our akonga at our woodwork/construction table and to help do some planting. If this sounds like you or someone you know let your child's teacher know or email me at d.ingramtrevis@pokeno.school.nz

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following students who recieved Manaakitanga Certificates during our Week 4 Whole School Assembly.

Room 3                   Room 4                     Room 5                    Room 11

Michael                   Nyra                          Eliana                       Nivanshi

Pippa                      Jesaiah                      Isabella


Kia ora Kiwi Whaanau,

Wow what an awesome start of the term we have had. Tamariki have had so much fun participating in a range of learning experiences.

At the start of the year our teachers focus on getting to know their learners and teaching them how to be wonderful learners showing the Pokeno Way.

Our value focus has been Manaakitanga. This means teachers have actively taught our ako how to be respectful of our school and each other.

Akonga have also had the opportunity to engage in literacy, numeracy, learning through play and swimming. Classes have been working through Stage 1 of our Structured Literacy programme learning the sounds /m/ and /s/. You can support this learning by practising writing the letters (see below), playing games to notice the /m/ and /s/ sound e.g. I spy something beginning and ending with /m/  , and singing the Milo Monkey and Sally Snake songs.


  • Hats: Students need to bring a named hat every day this term
  • Swimming: Please send your child with named togs, towel and wetbag on their swimming days.
  • Lunches: Students are given 3 times a day to eat. Ensure they have food to accommodate this. Any packages should be pre-opened to make sure tamariki can eat independently.
  • Change of Clothes: Please send your child with a full change of clothes each day incase of accidents or messy play

Upcoming Events

Week 4: Monday 19th February: Whole School Assembly 2 pm
Week 5: Wednesday 28th February: Whaanau Fun Night

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Perseverance brings success - Ma te pāuaua, ka whai hua