Pokeno School

Term 3 2024 Home Learning

Home Learning for Term 3


Students are expected to read a book of choice every night. Students can document their reading progress within their Reading log. 
The Pokeno School Virtual Library can be accessed here. 

All Karearea Students have been given their SMART Labs log-ins. These log-ins can be used for home learning at home. 

2024 Newsletters

To View our newsletters: Click Here. 

Karearea Information Evening

For those who would like to watch the update from Term 1's Information Evening - please click here. 

Camp photos

Check out some photos from camp below

Netsafe has some great resources to help you with social media - Check it out here. https://netsafe.org.nz/ 

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Perseverance brings success - Ma te pāuaua, ka whai hua