Pokeno School

Home Learning

Here are some great websites students can use at home to learn while staying engaged:

Kiwi Kids News – A child-friendly news site that helps students practice reading while staying informed. 

- Typing Club – An interactive program to improve typing skills, great for developing digital literacy. 

- Free Rice – A vocabulary game where correct answers donate rice to help fight hunger around the world.

- NASA for Kids – Engages students with space, science, and activities that inspire curiosity. 

- National Geographic Kids – A resource that explores wildlife and nature, fostering a love for the environment.

 Encourage your child to explore these websites for both learning and enrichment!


Students are expected to read a book of choice every night. 
The Pokeno School Virtual Library can be accessed here. 

Ways you can support at home

2025 Karearea Newsletter by Rachel Lelieveld

Netsafe has some great resources to help you with social media - Check it out here. 

Please Support Our Sponsors:

Perseverance brings success - Ma te pāuaua, ka whai hua