Pokeno School

The Pokeno Way

Ma Te huruhuru, Ka rere te manu 

Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly

MANAAKITANGA - “We are respectful  of ourselves, others and our community”

KOTAHITANGA  -“We work together and celebrate our successes”

AKO - “We are all learners, we are all teachers”

WHAKAWHANAKE -“We continually develop and grow with our community”


Pokeno School is a PB4L School (Positive Behaviour for Learning) and as such as we base our Behaviour Management Practices on our School Values. Our Values have been selected after consultation with staff, students and the local community.  

Teachers and staff are teaching the behaviour we want to see students displaying (we do not assume children know how to behave).  Teachers and staff strive to focus on recognising the positive behaviours to reinforce Pokeno School values. 

 "Remember, what you focus on expands; results follow focus." 

Marcus Buckingham

For more information on PB4L please see the Ministry of Education Webpage - http://pb4l.tki.org.nz/

This year we are thrilled to have Yashili New Zealand as sponsors of 'The Pokeno Way'. For more information about Yashili please visit www.yashili.co.nz


Our School-wide Matrix explain the behaviours expect to see around the school for each of our 4 values.  These are:


Each student in the school has their own Gotcha booklet.  When they are rewarded for displaying the School Values, they get a stamp in their booklet.  They save up their stamps and then can redeem them for any prize they want.  We have a Pokeno Way "Shop" that is open at lunchtime every Wednesday.  Students can come and spend their Gotchas at the shop on this day.

The prizes are based on feedback the Student Council got from every class about what they wanted.  We started this system at the end of 2019 and had very favorable results.  Below are the reward choices.


When students are out of the classroom (at an assembly, at a sports event or during break times), they may also be rewarded for following "The Pokeno Way."  Students will be given house tokens they can then put in their house box in their classes..

 These tokens will be collected weekly and added to our main house boxes in the School Office by our House Captains.  Each week, the winning house gets extra time on the Playground during Monday breaks.

If your child comes home with tokens, please get them to bring them back to school and pop them in their house box!   For more information on the House Token system please watch our movie below.

Our House Token Movie

Please Support Our Sponsors:

Perseverance brings success - Ma te pāuaua, ka whai hua