Pokeno School

Kavita Devi

Thumbnail: Kavita Devi




General Information

Tēnā koutou katoa

Ko Tomanivi te maunga

Ko Te Moana Nui a Kiwa te moana

No Fiji ahau

Ko Pokeno taku kainga inainei

Ko Kavita Devi toku ingoa

I am really excited about meeting new tamariki and whānau as I embark on my journey as a SENCo at Pokeno school. I am extremely passionate about supporting learners and enjoy working with a team of professionals to make learning more accesible for all children. I truly believe all children have the potential to succeed given, the resource, time, education and support.

I am looking forward to forming new connections and working together to create positive learning opportunities this year.

Ngā mihi nui.

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Perseverance brings success - Ma te pāuaua, ka whai hua